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  1. We specialize in all commodities of IC components via the INTERNET to speed up the “BUY & SELL "company .

  2. We buy & sell from worldwide channel via INTERNET global technology to search for buyers & seller quickly . 

  3. We expand to exploit the different OEM customers in handling OEM & stocker customers' needs, especially the hard-to-find IC or try to provide our customers with their needs regularly.

  4. We have many experienced sourcing and buying ic stock from OEMS & icstockers inventory including idle components / half finished goods / finished goods & also especially the hard-to-find / shortage IC in Taiwan over ten years 

  1. 專門處理電子零件庫存品的網際網路公司 以INTERNET加速買賣成交.

  2. 全球銷貨管道,以INTERNET技術迅速找尋買主

  3. 擴大產業別,開發全方位的電子業OEM客戶, 並為OEM客戶與同業備料解決尋貨問題

  4. 尋找缺貨停產IC,並代為處理呆置料庫存 或 現金收購呆滯零件/半成品/成品


Main Products

  •  HDD





  •  Finish goods

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